As a leading multi-disciplinary company having academic and business expertise, Scinnovation s. r. o. provides the following high-quality and exceptional services:
Certified courses
Certified training courses:
Non-Destractive Test (NDT) noninvasive characterization methods to determine the integrity of a material, component, or structure including Radiography, Liquid penetrant, Magnetic Particles, Visual inspection, and Utrsonic.
a certificate ISO 9712 and ASNT-TC-1A will be given to the trainers after successfully passing the exam at the end of the training courses.
high-end instrumentation
Training and carrying out measurements
Scinnovation s.r.o. is a partner with research institutes and it has priority access to cutting-edge technologies in material, biomaterial, and advanced technologies and life material sciences. In addition to providing the services of carrying our measurements and characterization of samples in the framework of joint projects, our team of experienced researchers is pleased to transfer knowledge and skills to the trainers for high-end instrumentation including (not limited to)
A complete microscopic unit (with SEM equipped with a microanalytic system EDS + WDS + EBSD, AFM, TEM, confocal and optical microscopy)
a complete set of physical characterization and investigation methods including thermal-mechanical, electrical, electro-photo plasticity, magnetic, magneto-optic, and electromigration methods.
Bruker micro-Computed Tomography SkyScan1272 scanner (spatial resolution <0.5 µm).
Modern and automated Radio Frequency Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition (RF PACVD) / Magnetron Sputtering (MS) system for the deposition and/or treatment of materials.
Tribology lab (full surface characterization, indentation, roughness, coefficient of friction...etc),
Robotic synthesizer for nano-particles
NanospiderTM electrospinning system
Physical and mechanical testing for materials
Facility with multiple 3D printing technologies
Nano/micro fibers fabraction by wet, electro, and melt spinning techniques
3D and 3D printing techniques for hard/soft tissue regeneration
Biomaterials and their characterization
Polymer synthesis and characterization
Test and analysis of functional fabrics/textile
Mechanical and Chemical polishing
Testing of Semiconductor Detectors
2D Mapping of Resistivity (contactless resistivity COREMA), 2D Mapping of Photoluminescence, 2D Mapping of the surface roughness (interferometer ZYGO)
Chemical modification of biomaterials
Biomaterial-based hydrogels for tissue engineering
Functional biomaterials for tissue engineering and controlled drug delivery
Medical and smart textiles based on biomaterial nanocomposite
Wound healing/dressing based on polysaccharides and proteins
Perovskites (Hybrid and All-Inorganic),
Semiconductors Si, Ge, GaAs, II-VI compounds (CdTe, CdZnTe, InP), ferrites, metals, glass.
Interest or questions? Contact us at